Glorify God
Nurture Students
Serve Community
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying,
“I am the light of the world.
Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life.”
John 8:12

Christian Education
We want every student at Mountain View Lutheran to walk through our doors knowing who they are and whose they are: redeemed and loved children of God. Secure in that knowledge, they have a firm foundation from which to grow their interests, develop their abilities, and chase their dreams.
It is our honor and privilege to walk alongside your family throughout this process, guiding them through challenges and successes on the way.
Academic Excellence
It is our ultimate goal that all children develop an understanding and love for their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ while learning the skills they need to succeed both now and in the future. Mountain View Lutheran School has adopted elements of Core Knowledge, Common Core State Standards, Nevada State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards as the foundations for the curriculum in Preschool through Grade 5.

Accreditations & Achievements
Principal Kris Schneider
was chosen the
Administrator of the Year in 2021
by the Pacific Southwest District
Admissions Director Samantha Linares
was selected as a
State Finalist (Top 5) for the RISE Award (Recognizing Inspirational School Employees)

Find out what sets us apart:

Do you want to work with kids in a supportive, energetic environment?
Come see what positions we are currently hiring for!