Welcome to Mountain View Lutheran Preschool
Let us introduce ourselves!
Donna Einspahr
Preschool & Extended Care Director
I was born and raised in Sacramento, CA. I graduated from Concordia - Portland, Oregon, in 1990. I earned my Master’s in Administration from Concordia - Seward, Nebraska, in 2008. In my 30 years of Lutheran Education, I have served in 4 Districts, taught preschool through third grade, and have been an administrator since 2005. I enjoy using my gifts to serve others and share the Good News of Jesus with our young students and their families. One of my favorite parts of working at Mountain View Lutheran is being able to observe the interactions between the children and their teachers as they learn and grow together daily by the grace of God.

Our Office Staff
Lori Alderink
Preschool Office Assistant
Samantha Linares
School Office Manager
& Admissions Director
Chrissy Larson
Ashley Minkley

Meet Our Preschool Teachers & Aides
Jennie Guy
Butterflies Teacher
Jeannie Emerick
Caterpillars Teacher
Laura Sullivan
Ladybugs Teacher
Nikki Simon
Honeybees Teacher
Meranda Pearce
Preschool Aide
Kori Wadsworth
Preschool Aide
Prisca Chan
Kitchen Manager
Lindsey Rosales
Kitchen Assistant
Leya Santiago
Preschool Aide/Substitute
Madeleine Drees
Preschool Substitute
Sandi Sinicrope
Classroom Substitute

Now that we’ve introduced ourselves,
we would love to be able to show you around campus
and meet with you face-to-face!